The festival was first held at the end of the last century on a beach in San Francisco. It became an annual event with 500 participants, but later the organizers were asked to change the venue. Since then the event has been held in Nevada in the Black Rock City Desert. In the first year the settlement had only 120 participants who just wanted to have fun.
Gradually their number increased and finally there were already 800 participants. People followed absolutely no rules, shot with the weapons they brought with them, and staged car races. This went on well until two of the organizers got into a serious car accident. From that moment on, strict rules were created for all the participants.
Principles of the festival
The organizers made up 10 principles, which should be followed by all participants of the festival:
- Radical Inclusion. Anyone can become a member of the community, regardless of political views.
- Donation. The festival is not designed for commercial gain, so it is forbidden to make money on the territory.
- Decommodification. The festival has no sponsors. Construction of the city is carried out at the expense of the proceeds from ticket sales.
- Rely only on yourself. The desert is sizzling hot during the day and temperatures can drop to sub-zero levels at night. Therefore, all participants must take care of their own food supply for the entire period of stay at the festival, as well as ensure comfortable and safe accommodation.
- Self-expression. People have the opportunity to be what they want to be. To be creative without fear of criticism from other participants.
- The principle of consolidation. The main reason why people attend the festival is art. They also like to be part of a large-scale event.
- Civil responsibility. Each participant must comply with the laws of the country.
- Cleanliness. At the end of the biggest event, the area on which it took place remains completely clean.
- Participation. Everyone should actively participate in the life of the city and make the stay of others interesting.
- Presence in the here and now. The important thing is that participants enjoy what is happening at the moment at the event.

In the city there are about a thousand art objects. Approximately 200 of them are implemented at the expense of the organizers, the rest – exclusively by their authors.
The organizers bring only a huge statue of a man made of wood, which is later burned. This ritual is performed every year. There is a licensed airport in the city. One of the participants created a temple of all confessions, which is still being built every year.
There are more than 1,000 locations of different topics in the city. There are radio stations (including pirate stations). Everyone can try on the role of a DJ. There are post offices with the official postal code, where you can send or receive a letter.
The festival area is large, and on a hot day people prefer to move at top speed. People move around the city on bicycles or in mutant cars.