A festival is an event that transmits to us the national culture and traditions of the people in the country where it is held. Noisy events and festivals with marches on the city streets of different countries are like a magnet for foreign tourists. World festivals are performances of international scope attended by guests from other countries, not only a bright and significant event in the form of a national holiday
Types of world festivals
Regular travelers often ask what festivals exist that they have not yet attended. Newcomers to such events try to visit well-known world festivals. Each country performs national or international holidays every year or season and tries to invite visitors from all over the world by providing them with the most comfortable accommodation possible. For many countries, festivals generate substantial revenue for the national budget.
The most popular world festivals are unique. Their themes are quite diverse. Gastronomists attend festivals dedicated to national cuisines and drinks, cinemas fill the halls where film festivals are performed, and carnivals are a haven for lovers of exotic dancing.
The two most popular festivals are international festivals in Brazil and Germany.
Carnival in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
This carnival procession attracts more than half a million tourists to Brazil every season. This festival opens with the coronation of another King Momo. The Mayor of Rio authorizes an elected local resident to run a holiday throughout the city for his ability to perform samba and a sizeable weight for the full five days. A bright holiday surprises a foreigner with loud music, beautiful girls in unusually colorful openly open outfits in the process of samba dances, numerous parades, and masquerades.

Oktoberfest (Germany)
Each year Munich performs a celebration dedicated to the noble national beer drink. The celebrations begin in the second half of September and last 16 days. There are plenty of beer tents and a variety of attractions nearby the Main Station. Statistics show that about 6 million tourists from all over the world visit Oktoberfest.
There are other popular festivals in the world. Among them is the film festival in Nice, Day of the Dead in Mexico, Tomatino in Spain, Palio in Italy. It is worth mentioning Encierro. It is a holiday in Pamplona (Spain), which is characterized by the fact that in it people run away from angry bulls.